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My Personal Portfolio

Hi! I'm RAHUL KR. SINGH and I'm a student Persuing Btech degree in Computer Science branch from ITER, SOA UNIVERSITY, BHUBNESWAR.

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Crytoverse Web App

This application gives us deep knowledge about most popular cryptocurrencies in the world. It tells us about latest news and even daily change in market caps of different crypto currencies.

  • React
  • CSS
  • Rapid API
  • Chart js

Video Chat App

This the Real-time video Chat Application using React.Js for the front-end. I've used Socket.io for peer to peer connection. Using this you can share your unique generated ID with other people to connect with you for video chats.

  • React
  • CSS
  • Socket io
  • webRTC

Covid-19 Tracker

I've made front-end for this Web Application using React.js and styled it with MeterialUI and baisc CSS. This Application keeps track of daily cases of COVID-19 detected, total deaths and total recoveries all over the world. This also shows the data in graphical format. App can also show data for some perticualr country.

  • React.Js
  • CSS
  • API
  • material-UI

MyChat Web-App

This the Real-time Chat Application using React.Js for the front-end. I have used ChatEngine and FireBase as the database. In this Application user can Signup and Signin with proper authentication. People can interact with friends and family through thi app bt chatting, moverover they can also share Images and files.

  • React
  • ChatEngine
  • Firebase

Farm Website

It is the Basic Demo website built with React, CSS, Bootstrap. this website is built for a company that is i agriculture line. I made this website during my internship as my first Demo website

  • React
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap

Demo Website with Animation

It is the Basic Demo website built with React, CSS, Bootstrap. this website has tons of amazing animations which makes it look facinating. This website can be used by anyone by just making some changes to its source code. Do check it out

  • React
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap

Live News WebApp With Assistant

It is a news Application built with React js, where I have integrated ALAN talking assistant. You just have to tell alan what type of news you would like to hear, he will find you the best result

  • React
  • CSS


I've worked on several technologies in the web development world. From both Back-End to Design
I've also worked on mobile App development in both Android and IOS.

  • Front-End

    Experience with
    React, CSS, Bootstrap

  • Back-End

    Experience with
    Node.js and Databases

  • Programming

    Experience with
    Java, C, C++, Python, HTML

About Me

I'm Rahul Kumar Singh born and raised in Jamshedpur. I've done all my schooling from this city. I was always fascinated about TECHNOLOGY.Therefore, When I comleted my std X, I chose Computer as one of my subjects for my Std. XII. I developed more interst in coding So, I further decided to pursue for Btech In Computer Science Branch. This is what I'm doing presently and trying to learn new skills in Technical field. Things that I'm learnt till now is just like a bucket of water in an Ocean. For that reason I would Love to explore this vast ocean of knowledge my whole life.



React-native Projects


React.Js projects




HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap Project

Thats all about Me! Thank You for visiting!!